A Bridgewater artist’s Nativity Scene has been selected for display at the Vatican in Rome.
Artist R Michael Palan of Bridgewater has hand-crafted a nativity modeled after the 19th century Star Barn in Elizabethtown, PA. This New Jersey creation will be displayed from December 8th to January 6th.
Palan, in a report to Patch, revealed that his nativity will include a ‘Made in Bridgewater NJ’ label, showcasing New Jersey pride. He also shared details on his design, mentioning that “the barn is Gothic Revival architecture.”
The artist has worked with his wife, Karen Loccisano, since 2011 designing and constructing nativity scenes in their home. Their love of designing nativity scenes began when they saw a nativity, or presepio in Italian, at the Carnegie Museum of Art. Their nativities have been featured in several different states and locations, including Pennsylvania, Connecticut, South Carolina and Washington D.C.
The couple has spread their love for designing nativity scenes with their community, holding workshops in the comfort of their own home. Interested individuals attended the workshop, learning how to make their own personal Star Barn Nativity. Palan and Loccisano also built their own version of the Star Barn Nativity to be featured at the National Christmas Center at Stone Gables Estate in Pennsylvania.
Palan shared that he modeled his nativity–the one displayed at the Vatican–after the Star Nativity so that it could “. . . have a very American look to it.”
Palan and Loccisano also had the opportunity to have their nativity displayed at the Vatican last year in 2023. This nativity scene included very essential American elements, including a sign for Route 66.
The pair has gained fame and acclaim for their designs, showing their works at Glencairn Museum in Pennsylvania. This year, they are dedicating their nativity at Glencairn to a friend that passed away from cancer.

About the Author
Maddy Grieco
Maddy Grieco is a Reporter for ONNJ. She researches and writes the news stories that help bring the show together. In addition to writing, she also works to bolster the social media content for ONNJ, creating ideas to increase engagement on Instagram and TikTok.
She is a rising junior at Bucknell University, where she plans to graduate with a BA in English – Literary Studies. Following graduation, she seeks to enter the literary publishing world and further develop her analytical and editing skills.