Mike Favetta gives us a weekend update.
Here is your 7 day forecast with Mike Favetta.
Daylight saving time ends in 2 weeks and Mike Favetta fills us in on the...
Mike Favetta has our NJ Weekend Weather Headlines. Watch the NJ Morning Show on ONNJ.com
Mike Favetta has our NJ Weekend Outlook. Watch the NJ Morning Show on ONNJ.com
Mike Favetta gives us a weekend weather update. Watch the NJ Morning Show on ONNJ.com
Mike Favetta has our NJ 7 Day Forecast. Watch the NJ Morning Show on ONNJ.com
The NHL Stadium series was right in our backyard this past weekend.. at Metlife Stadium......
One down and one to go. There's more snow headed to NJ later this week...
Meteorologist Mike Favetta takes us through the timeline of the expected winter storm.
Meteorologist Mike Favetta shows us expected snow totals for the winter storm heading to New...
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