Continued NJ Transit Disruptions

NJ Transit continues to face technical disruptions this summer, with issues at its River Line, a light rail that connects points between Trenton and Camden. The Jersey Shore trains have also experienced technical issues and delays this summer.

NJ Transit disruptions have not been infrequent. Assemblyman Christopher P. DePhillips, a member of the Assembly Transportation Committee, seeks to put an end to this. Pressing for answers and seeking an end to the disruptions and cancellations, he wants a bipartisan, bicameral hearing to make NJ Transit accountable for recent issues.

DePhillips, a Republican from Bergen County, remarked that “Delays and cancellations seem to be the only thing riders can count on with NJ Transit.” He says that “NJ Transit is beyond reform. We need new people who are going to be proactive, not reactive, leaving customers stranded and poorer.”

The Assemblyman resisted the 2.5 percent corporate surcharge on businesses that receive more than $10 million yearly, a tactic used to fund NJ Transit’s budget. The surcharge is now in effect, however, and NJ Transit also instituted a 15 percent fare hike on July 1, affecting all customers.

DePhillips urges for a thorough review of NJ Transit, demanding that “colleagues on both sides of the aisle need to come together to get answers and create solutions that keep public transportation affordable, make New Jersey attractive to businesses and talent, and foster a thriving economy.”


Maddy Grieco

Reporter & Writer
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