November 22, 2023

November 22, 2023 ONNJ Top Stories

By Alexis DeNure
DoorDash and Instacart to Deliver Booze
Just in time for the holidays, DoorDash has become the first third party delivery service licensed to bring booze to your door. After nearly a year since the special New Jersey rule for bars, restaurants, and liquor stores to allow the delivery of alcohol by third party delivery services were put in place, Door Dash is the first company to be in compliance and offer the service. DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Instacart have been given the go ahead, but there are a few parameters to follow under the new rule from the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control. In order to make the delivery of alcohol, the delivery services must contract a third-party delivery permit, costing them $2,000. They also must conduct a background check on the drivers, train them on the laws,  as well as implement measures to prevent deliveries to minors while maintaining accurate records.
Rutgers University Marching Band to Perform in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
The marching band at Rutgers University will be performing in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade this year. Director Todd Nichols has begun training the band members for the obstacles on that day, including distractions and marching around curves. The band is a non-auditioned band, anyone can come and march, making the band diverse and unique with lots of different majors!

About the Author

Alexis DeNure
Executive Producer

Alexis is a key member of the ONNJ team, serving as an Emmy-nominated Producer of “Your New Jersey” and Executive Producer of Media First Group. In her role, she ensures quality control across all ONNJ productions, overseeing both the people and processes involved. Alexis fosters a collaborative and productive work environment, contributing to a positive company culture and continuously evaluating content strategy to improve audience engagement.
Alexis is a proud alumna of James Madison University’s School of Media Arts and Design. 

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