Cillian Murphy stars in the critically acclaimed Oppenheimer, in theaters today, directed by Christopher Nolan. The story follows the younger years of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the famous scientist known as the “father” of the atomic bomb.
The movie is based on the Pulitzer-winning book, “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” following his life as the director of The Manhattan Project and what happens to him following the war.
The scientist had deep ties in New Jersey, having spent years as the director for the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University. Scenes in the film were shot partially at the University last year. In 1947, Oppenheimer became the Director of the Institute, where Albert Einstein was the most famous resident.
Oppenheimer held the position from 1947 to 1966, living at the institute’s Olden Manor. He also became an advisor of the Atomic Energy Commission, lobbying for international arms control. In 1954, Oppenheimer was stripped of his security clearance at the AEC, after being accused of having Communist ties. Einstein was among 25 colleagues in Princeton who came to Oppenheimer’s defense, and he was re-elected as Director of the Institute, serving in that position until his death in 1967. He died at his home in Princeton at 62, after being diagnosed with throat cancer.
The movie, which is already garnering Oscar buzz, also includes an all-star cast of Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Rami Malek, and Josh Hartnett.